Keepsake Bow Ties
Prom Rule #5: Don't forget your keepsake bow tie! Pick A Color ; Keep The Memory

Louie's Tux Shop offers a great selection of keepsake bow ties! Pick a color...keep the memory! Whether you keep it yourself, or give it to your date as tradition, make sure you pick up your bowtie when you pick out your prom tuxedo!
Prom is a special event that celebrates your accomplishments throughout your academic career and signifies a passage into adulthood. The Prom Tradition of exchanging the bow tie for the prom garter began over 45 years ago in a small town in the Midwest where two high school sweethearts wanted something to remember what was the most exciting night of their lives. The young man removed his bow tie and clipped it comfortably around his dates neck. Quick to return the gesture his girlfriend removed her prom garter and proceeded to position it around his arm where it would remain for the rest of the evening. From that moment on the Prom Tradition was born!
Don't forget your keepsake bow tie and keepsake prom garter! It's a Prom Tradition!